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Sunday 27 April 2014

Who was Gustav Kirchoff?


He came from a very intellectual Prussian family and he studied Maths and Physics at the University of Kongsberg. Here collaborated with Robert
Bunsen in 1854 (who invented the Bunsen Burner) for research into spectroscopic studies, which is research into a specific area in Quantum mechanics. Kirchoff made a lot of contributions to the study of optics (light) and he was even one of the first to use the term "black body radiation. 'Black Body Radiation' later evolved into the term we now use "Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation" , scientists believe this is radiation left over from the Big Bang!

Monday 21 April 2014

Does the Sun's cycle influence our weather?

The Sun's magnetic field constantly changes - the Sun's polarity reverses every 11 years. This activity changes the number of sunspots on the Sun's surface - this then peaks at the 'solar maximum'. The Sun's activity cools areas on the Sun meaning they appear darker. The solar cycle can also cause small changes in the Sun's heat and light output. Some studies have shown some link between few sunspots and cold winters in Europe. Although it's unclear the Sun's cycle could influence our weather.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Europe launches a flagship space project

A Soyuz rocket has been launched from France carrying the first satellite for Europe's multi - billion euro project to map the Earth's surface using radar.

The satellite, named Sentinel- 1a will be followed by a fleet of other satellites over the next five years also called sentinels.

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