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Sunday 29 September 2013

Do carrots help you to see in the dark?

Yes and no. Carrots contain vitamin A or retinol which is needed for your body to make rhodopsin which is a pigment in your eyes which operates in low light conditions. If you had a vitamin A deficiency you would develop nytalopia or what we might call "night blindness". Eating carrots would correct this, but only to the point of an ordinary person's vision at night - it won't ever let you see in complete darkness.

This idea first came about because of the Air Ministry in WWII. To prevent the Germans finding out that Britain was using radar to intercept bombers on night raids. They issued press releases stating that the British pilots had been eating a lot of carrots to give them exceptional night vision which fooled the entire British public as well as the German High Command, there an old wive's tale was born! 

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