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Thursday 23 January 2014

How will we have changed 1,000 years from now?

With technology and knowledge of how the human genome works ever increasing, we could actually speed up the past of evolution with radical results.

We could become superhuman

Disease Resistant: Genes which offer protection from many big killers such as  Malaria and HIV will probably become more dominant, and the cures and treatment will become more effective.

Super- intelligent: If we could work out the genetic basis of intelligence we could start screening fertilised eggs in order to make brainier babies.

Ginger: Natural selection actually dictates that Natural selection dictates that all the survivors would be ginger.

Better- Looking: It's fairly normal to get with a partner that is good looking, so the child then has 'good looking' genes so over time these genes become more prominent, kind of like selective breeding, where the genes become more dominant throughout the generations.

Man and Machine Merge

A life in silicon? : If some scientists are right, it could be possible to transfer human intelligence to machines by using a variety of scanners to produce far more detailed images of the brain than ever before!

Obsolescence of humans: Once artificial intelligence has been created, who knows what could happen to humans? Machine intelligence could mean that humans become obsolete.

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