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Friday 26 September 2014

What is scoliosis? - UPDATED

3 years ago today (26th September 2014)  I had an operation to straighten my spine. Before the operation it measured around 65 degrees. With the addition of 2 rods and twenty something screws - it's gone down to a staggering 13 degrees!

But what is scoliosis? How do you get it? The answer to that is that most of the time no-one knows, this called idiopathic scoliosis. Most often, scoliosis is found either really early on in your childhood or mid-way through your adolescence - mostly after a growth spurt. If the curve is under 20 degrees then you'll probably be monitored. Although if your curve increases beyond 20 degrees then a brace may well be recommended. But a curve beyond 40 degrees an operation might be recommended.
Now my spine has been fused almost all the way down - I can't feel the metal at all, it's just airport security that poses a bit of a problem!! :) All in  all, it was one of the best things I've ever done and I'd recommend it to anyone considering having it done!

For more information check out the Scoliosis Association UK for more information and Patient Leaflets -

Update 27th October 2014 - today I had my last ever appointment at Addenbrookes at 11:30, where I was discharged forever! We then went into Cambridge to celebrate! Below are the X-rays from today!! 

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