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Monday 22 December 2014

10 tips to beat the new year sales! #SciSparksAdvent Day 22

Now is the time of year where billions are spent on buying that perfect Christmas present - but the only trouble is, how do you beat the crowds?? Many psychologists have actually published in research journals all to help you beat the crowds and bag the best bargains - or at least the stuff you actually want to buy!

  1. Choose the right time
  2. Read reviews
  3. Don't be fooled by the packaging!
  4. Leave the real world - shop online!
  5. Shop around
  6. Shop by yourself not in a group - you are less likely to be influenced!
  7. Do your maths! Discounts can be deceptive!
  8. Don't be controlled by the shop
  9. Don't be a hoarder.... :)
  10. Don't even bother - it's Christmas after all!!
Merry Christmas!

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