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Wednesday 13 April 2016

What is cholesterol?


We always hear about cholesterol - pretty much why too much of it's bad, and they're not wrong. There are two types of cholesterol, both good and bad. It's a soft and waxy material found in the membranes of cells. From here, it's transported into your blood stream. Partly, this is a substance produced by your body and partly absorbed from animal products you eat, this includes eggs, meat and dairy products.

The bad cholesterol is obviously the stuff we should try and limit, this is because it can clog blood vessels. The issue here, is that it increases your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Good cholesterol however removes the bad cholesterol. It takes it to the liver to be destroyed. This means that if you've got a lot of good cholesterol in your system, it actually works to protect your body from heart disease.

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