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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Why microbes could be changing the world's weather patterns?

Microbes are everywhere, both good and bad, and scientists at NASA believe that these microbes could be changing our weather patterns, both  here in the UK and worldwide.  
Research has been carried out across NASA compounds. One these in Texas.To carry out the experiment they send up, into space, a balloon and a mesh which collects the samples of the microbes. They collect samples at heights 70,000 ft to 10,000 ft. Scientists have analysed the aerodynamic properties of these microbes and they have found that these particular molecules can be suspended in our atmosphere for up to three weeks. 

A process called "Ice Nucleation" is happening all of the time in our atmosphere, this means that any solid particles in our atmosphere makes it a lot easier for ice to form around the solid particle however big or small this is.

 For crystals, whatever sort they are need something solid to form around, if this happens then the ice crystals can be a lot bigger than without the solid particle (in this case the microbe). When ice forms in our atmosphere, clouds form. This will eventually make it rain. 

So, if there are more microbes in the atmosphere it is easier for ice, therefore clouds to form. More clouds, mean that it will rain more. 

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