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Saturday 12 September 2015

The Aye Aye | #WeirdestAnimals

These are amazing animals which are only found on the island of Madagascar. When people first see the Aye-Aye, people are very surprised that they are actually primates but they're related to apes and humans. They spend most of their lives curled up on a nest of leaves and branches - they're nocturnal so wait to feed under the cover of darkness. They mostly feed on things like wood-boring larvae, the Aye-Aye spends hours listening out for it before they use their middle finger to fish them out. Their middle finger also comes in handy when they're scooping out the flesh of the coconuts and other fruits - all vital parts of their diet.

Unfortunately, the people of Madagascar don't view the Aye-Aye in the best of light- in fact they think it's an omen of bad luck, so they've been killed purely because of myths from a thousand years ago. Now the Aye-Aye is critically endangered, so much so they're now protected by law.

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