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Friday 11 September 2015

The Emperor of ALL Penguins :)

Emperor Penguins are the heaviest and tallest of all the species of penguins - so heavy that they can weigh up to 45 kg. In fact, they're very cleverly adapted for life in the frozen climates of the Antarctic as temperatures can plumet to as low as -60C. They, like other Penguins huddle together to conserve their warmth and protect them from the wind. What's even more amazing is, is that they rotate so the penguin(s) on the outside don't get too cold! Despite the cold weather, they even continue to breed. During their breeding 'season' they lay a single egg and leave it behind whilst they go on hunting trips which can last up to 2 months! This isn't necessarily because they're neglectful but because sometimes, they might have to travel up to 50 miles purely to reach open waters where they feed on fish, squid and krill. The very important job of keeping the eggs warm, actually falls to the male penguins and once the females return, they have a belly full of food which they then regurgitate for the newly hatched chicks. Once their chicks are nicely fed, the female takes over and keeps the chicks warm in their brood pouches. This of course, frees up the male to take over foraging duties. The males then continue to hunt for food until the chicks have developed enough to cope with the Antarctic chill.

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