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Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Vampire Squid

Given the proximity to Halloween - this is a very topical squid! This is the Vampire squid! It gets its name from the long arms which flow behind it, making it look like a Vampire's cape. As far as squid are concerned, this is actually quite a small squid - only about a foot in length. They prefer warmer temperatures so they can swim around more easily. They also only live in the depths of the water, this combined with their dark color means they're camouflaged really well so they can avoid predators. We don't know a lot about the Vampire Squid - in fact it's first sighting was in 1903. Although when it was first discovered, people first thought it was an Octopus! And of course because they live so far down, the only knowledge we have of them is if a fisherman accidentally catches one or any calculated research, and research costs money!

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